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Andy Turner, ND

Resident Physician at Montana Whole Health

As a child, when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would earnestly say, "a turtle sandbox."


Despite this whimsical ambition, my fascination with medicine emerged at a young age. I would revel in watching my brothers pull out loose teeth, eagerly request to observe when stitches were placed or vaccines administered, and drill every healthcare provider about why they chose their profession and what it took to get there.​

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When I was ten, my mom took me to my first yoga class. This experience introduced me to the powerful mind-body connection, providing a crucial tool to manage anxiety and depression, which remains integral to my life. Yoga became my first window into alternative medicine. By the age of 20, I became a certified yoga instructor and spent many years teaching, helping others find balance and peace through this practice.


During my undergraduate years, I was a pre-med student who double majored in Public Health Education and Health Sciences at Portland State University. It was here that I discovered naturopathic medicine during a class on alternative medicines. A clinician, who would later become one of my teachers at the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM), introduced the principles of naturopathic medicine: treating the whole person, the doctor as teacher, addressing the root cause, the healing power of nature, and preventive medicine. I was hooked.


After graduating with a degree in Public Health Education, I spent several years teaching yoga and eventually opened my own studio. Later, I became the clinic manager of a bustling integrative medicine clinic with a diverse team of 22 providers, including naturopathic doctors. This experience significantly inspired and guided my journey toward naturopathic medicine.


But that journey had to wait a little longer. I was wildly in love with my high school sweetheart and driven by the blind enthusiasm that often accompanies young love. Eager to please and swept up in the excitement of our shared dreams, we decided to build a tiny house and start a homesteading project far from friends and family. I quit my job and dove headfirst into this new adventure, not realizing that in my eagerness to make our dreams a reality, I was losing sight of who I truly was and what I actually wanted. It turned out to be a misguided attempt to build a life that wasn't truly mine.


Then, my world tilted on its axis as my marriage came to a sudden halt. The divorce brought a whirlwind of uncertainty, fear, and a feeling of being thrust into an alternate universe. The life I had known and the future I had envisioned seemed to vanish overnight. Instead of succumbing to the despair, I chose to take control and rewrite my story. I revisited dreams I had once set aside and applied to the naturopathic program at NUNM.


Five years later, after intense studying, sleepless nights on call as a midwifery apprentice, surviving a global pandemic, and enduring isolation from family and friends, I graduated with a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine and a certificate in Natural Childbirth.


​I moved to Montana and am currently completing my first year of residency at Montana Whole Health, with an emphasis on pediatric and family medicine. I am dedicated to promoting reproductive health, supporting


women's journeys through hormone balance, fertility, and postpartum care, and creating a safe and inclusive space for LGBTQ individuals. My holistic approach, combined with over 20 years of experience as a yoga teacher, allows me to empower my patients to access their innate wisdom and achieve their health goals.​


Life has a way of bringing us full circle, often in unexpected ways. My childhood fascination with medicine, sparked by simple yet profound experiences, has led me to a fulfilling career where I can help others navigate their health journeys with the same curiosity and compassion that drove me.When I'm not in practice, I enjoy hiking with my dog and baking tasty treats for my loved ones, grounding myself in the simple joys of life. I look forward to getting to know you and your family and working together to achieve your health and wellness goals.


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